On-Demand Workshops

Are you ready for an On-Demand workshop?

Looking for clock hour training to meet licensing requirements? Need more information about a specific topic or help with a problem? Lack a few hours to apply for your CDA or your Administrator’s Certificate? On-Demand workshops may be the answer for you. These sessions are designed for those whose job responsibilities make it difficult to attend other workshops or who can’t wait for a scheduled session. Each workshop includes reading material, questions for reflection, videos to watch, and activities to apply the information at your worksite. When you finish, submit the required assignments, and take a mastery quiz online. A certificate will be emailed to you.

Before you register, answer these questions:


Do I have adequate computer skills?

You need access to a computer with Windows and an Internet connection, basic word processing, email, and Internet search skills — or someone to help you.

Am I self-motivated?

Because you will work individually at your own pace, be sure you can discipline yourself to complete the tasks. If you need the structure of a class or specified time, then a regular workshop may suit you better.

Am I an independent learner?

If you work well by yourself (or if several of you take a workshop together) then this option may be ideal for you.

Webinars: How Do They Work?

(*Not available at this moment)

A webinar is a training session conducted over the Internet using computers, tablets, or phones. Most workshops are currently conducted as Webinars. They are free for Type III programs, $10 for others.


    • Flyers are sent by email of scheduled sessions with registration information.
    • Register and you will receive an email invitation with a log-in link. You may receive articles to read by email
    • Log on to the website up to 15 minutes before the scheduled time on your computer, tablet, or phone.
    • Participate in the training, ask questions, view PowerPoint and videos, take a short test.
    • Receive your certificate in the mail for clock hours credit for licensing, CDA, and Pathways.

On-Demand Courses

CDA-5 Program Management

W-5a Routines: Managing Transitions and Schedules (CDA 5)

Scheduling and handling routines is an important classroom management tool. This session will help you evaluate your current practices and find ways to better meet the needs of your children.

W-5b The People Principle: Motivating and Supervising Staff (CDA 5) (ADM 3)

Supervision is a critical element in maintaining motivated, dependable staff to provide a quality program. If you want new ideas about what works and what doesn’t, this session will help you.

W-5c Marketing Recruiting and Maintaining Enrollment (CDA 5) (ADM 3)

Even if you don’t have vacancies, changing neighborhoods, competition, the economy and other factors beyond your control make an effective, on-going marketing plan important in maintaining full enrollment.

W-5f Look Who's Talking: But Who's Listening? (CDA 5)

This workshop addresses the unique challenges of communication in early learning programs considering the time constraints and need for coverage. Make messages clear and prevent misunderstandings.

W-5g Teachable Transitions: Opportunities for Learning (CDA 5) (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

(Currently Not Available) Looking for new ways to move children from one activity to another? Want your day with young children to run smoothly? This workshop will teach you how to facilitate smooth transitions. (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

W-5h Creating an Employee Handbook (CDA 5) (ADM 3)

Well-crafted policies and procedures are critical to efficient operation of any organization. If you do not have an employee handbook, or want to improve yours, you’ll find assistance here.

W-5i End of Day Doldrums: Afternoons with Infants and Toddlers (CDA 5)

What do you do at the end of the day to keep you and the children happy and interested? Learn how to handle this time of the day for infants and toddlers in group settings.

W-5j Making Time and Space for Movement (CDA 5)

How do you provide time and space for the movement activities that children need? This workshop will provide guidance in planning and conducting movement experiences.

W-5k The Secret Ingredient in Planning (CDA 5)

How can you plan effectively? Do you know how to create a web to link curriculum content? Learn to improve the effectiveness of your planning so children get the most from each day.

W-5l Using Themes in Planning (CDA 5) (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

(Currently NOT AVAILABLE) Learn how to plan for your preschool classroom by using themes and creating webs. Learn to build on children’s interests to support their learning. (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

W-5m Planning for Success (CDA 5)

We know that planning is essential to learning for young children. How do we plan effectively? This workshop will help you in crafting appropriate lessons to support children’s learning.

W-5n A Staff Retreat Primer (CDA 5) (ADM 3)

Have you considered a staff retreat to facilitate understanding and cooperation among employees? Learn factors to consider in organizing and conducting a productive retreat.

W-5o Planning for Summer: It's All about Being Prepared! (CDA 5) (ADM 3) (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

(Currently NOT AVAILABLE) Summer with schoolagers requires changes, not only in the schedule but in activities and programming. Find out how to get ready for those very active schoolagers during summer or long holiday periods.

W-5p Budgeting: What, When, Where, and Why (CDA 5) (ADM 2) (Currently Not Available)

(Currently Not Available) Whether you own a center or employed as director, this workshop guides you in the challenge of handling finances: making ends meet, collecting fees, and cutting costs while maintaining a good program.

W-5q Organizing Clubs in Schoolage Programs (CDA 5) (ADM 3)

Keeping children interested and actively involved is a challenge in long summer months. One way to maintain interest is to organize clubs to enrich your curriculum as part of the summer program.

W-5u Money Matters (CDA 5) (ADM 2)

What are the biggest problems you face as a director? One of course is money. Learn how to create a system that will help you run your early care and education program as the business it is.

CDA-6 Professionalism

W-6a Blow out Burnout (CDA 6) (ADM 6)

Burnout is a major problem in service-oriented fields. Because of the responsibility and stress of working with children, directors and staff alike need to know how to prevent and cope with burnout.

W-6b Learning to Lead (CDA 6) (ADM 5)

Directors and administrators must be leaders if a program is to be quality. Learn how to lead your staff to create the best center possible.

W-6c Is Your Vision 20/20? (CDA 6) (ADM 5)

Want to improve your center and not sure how to get started? This workshop will help you develop a clear vision for setting goals for what you want to do.

W-6d Professionals at Work: The Child Care Workforce (CDA 6) (ADM 5)

What does it mean to be a professional? This workshop explores the elements that make up our concepts of professionals and identifies the characteristics attributed to professionals.

W-6e Creating Teamwork (CDA 6) (ADM 3)

How do you get your staff to work together? Directors everywhere struggle with this question. This workshop will help you create a team culture that encourages cooperation and reduces turnover.

W-6f Business Etiquette: Presenting a Professional Image (CDA 6) (ADM 5)

Does the corporate world and the early education world have different standards of behavior? What are today’s expectations of the parents and employers with whom you work?

CDA-7 Observing and Recording Children’s Behavior

W-7a Observing is More than Watching -- Much More! (CDA 7) (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

(Currently NOT AVAILABLE) Want to know more about how to effectively observe children and what to do with the information you gather? Learn this important skill as you explore the difference between observing and watching. (Currently NOT AVAILABLE)

W-7b Stop, Look, and Learn (CDA 7)

Why do we need to observe children? Do you need shortcuts and tips for the task? This workshop will help you understand why observation is important and how to do it effectively and efficiently.

W-7c Developmental Screening: Important for Every Child (CDA 7)

Learn to use observation as an assessment tool to document children’s progress. Learn about milestones of development to recognize if intervention is needed.

W-7e Getting Started Observing Children (CDA 7)

You know that observing children is an important skill, but how do you get started? Learn how you can begin to document and record what you see and how to use the information you gather.

CDA-8 Child Development

W-8a When Toddlers Bite: Strategies for Prevention and Coping (CDA 8)

While biting is often a developmental phase, it can cause havoc in group settings. Learn why toddlers bite and how to work with parents of the biter and the bitten child.

W-8b Language Development in Young Children: “Both My Feets Hurt” (CDA 8)

Early childhood is the window of opportunity to develop language—and language skills are precursors to reading and school success. Expand opportunities through books, songs, rhymes, and daily routines.

W-8c Babies on the Move (CDA 8)

Learn how movement activities promote development in other areas in addition to physical. Explore the need for physical activities for infants and toddlers and what you can do to promote movement.

W-8d Cognitive Development: Develop Thinking Skills through Movement (CDA 8)

How do infants, toddlers, and preschoolers learn and develop through physical activity? What do we know about movement and brain development? Learn to help children reach their potential.

W-8e Supporting Creative Development: What, Why, and How (CDA 8)

What is creativity and how do we encourage it in young children? This workshop addresses the creative development of young children and the factors that can hinder it.

W-8f The Hardest Transition: Infant Room to Toddler Room (CDA 8)

This workshop will help you with the process of changing rooms and teachers with very young children. This transition period can be stressful for children, parents, and staff if not handled carefully.

W-8g Fit Kids: Incorporating Daily Movement Experiences (CDA 8)

Children today do not get enough exercise. How do you include exercise in your daily activities making it fun and developmentally appropriate for young children? This workshop will help you learn how.

W-8h Bonding and Attachment: Infant and Toddler Emotional Development (CDA 8)

Caring for infants and toddlers is more than providing a safe and healthy environment. Learn about the important bonding process for normal emotional development and what you can do to support it.

W-8i Cognitive Development Infants and Toddlers (CDA 8)

How do you help the youngest children learn in a developmentally appropriate way? This workshop will help you plan for these youngest children.

W-8j Social Development of Infants and Toddlers (CDA 8)

Yes, even infants and toddlers can begin to form friendships! Learn what you can do to promote important social development with the children in your care.

W-8k The Many Ways Children Learn: Multiple Intelligences (CDA 8)

Have you heard of psychologist Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory? This theory has significant implications for people working to meet the developmental needs of young children.

W-8n If Toddlers Had a Top Ten List (CDA 8)

What are the main things that toddlers need? What would they tell you that they need? This workshop explores issues of working with toddlers and supporting their emotional and social development.

How Can We Help?

For more information concerning our program, please see the About Us section of our website. Or, reach out to us by submitting a message through our contact form on the right.

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